教授,博士生导师, 1982年1月生
内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 旧化工楼105
2000.9 -2004.7学士,内蒙古师范大学物理学专业学士学位
2004.10 - 2005.5北海道教育大学技术教育专业Research Student
2005.6 - 2006.3名古屋工业大学技能工学专业Research Student
2006.4 - 2008.3名古屋工业大学技能工学专业硕士学位
2008.4 - 2011.3名古屋工业大学未来材料专业博士学位
2011.4 - 2011.9 广岛大学工学院研究员,博士后研究员
2011.9 - 2021.6内蒙古工业大学材料学院 讲师(2011), 副教授(2015), 教授(2018)
2021.6-至今 内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 教授
1. 功能材料与器件
2. 生物医用材料
1. 主持国家自然科学基金“兼具热电转换和红外隐身功能的钛酸锶基复合材料的制备与光热电效应” 起止时间: 2021.1-2024.12
2. 内蒙古大学骏马计划B1 起止时间:2021.6-2025.5
2. 2017年内蒙古自治区“新世纪321人才工程”二层次
3. 2018年内蒙古自治区第九批“草原英才”
4. 2021年内蒙古自然科学一等奖
1. Zhen Tian, Jun Wang*, Xinba Yaer, Hui-Jun Kang, Xiao-Huan Wang, Hui-Min Liu, De-zhiYang, Tong-MinWang, Pencil painting like preparation for flexible thermoelectric material of high-performance p-type Na1.4Co2O4 and novel n-type NaxCo2O4, Journal of Materiomics, 2021, 7(5): 1153-1160.
2. Zheng Cao, Qing-Qiao Fu, Hui Gu, Zhen Tian, Xinba Yaer, Juan-Juan, Xing, Lei Miao, Xiao-Huan Wang, Hui-Min Liu, and Jun Wang, Thermoelectric enhancement in triple-doped strontium titanate with multi-scale microstructure, Chin. Phys. B, 2021, 30 (9): 097204.
3. Zhixin Ma, Jun Wang*, Lei Wang, Xiaoguo Bi, Xu-dong Liu, Huijun Kang, Tongmin Wang, Xiaodong Li, Ji-guang Li, Xudong Sun, Effect of Crystal Orientation on Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Conductivity of SrTiO3 Single Crystals, Crystal Growth &Design, 2021, 21: 1791–99.
4. Jun Wang*, Jian-Bo Li, Hao-Yang Yu, Jing Li, He Yang, Xinba Yaer, Xiao-Huan Wang, Hui-Min Liu, Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance in n‑Type SrTiO3/SiGe Composite, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 2687−2694.
5. Jian-Bo Li, Jun Wang*, Jing-Feng Li, Yan Li, He Yang, Hao-Yang Yu, Xiao-Bo Ma, Xinba Yaer, Liang Liu, Lei Miao, Broadening the temperature range for high thermoelectric performance of bulk thermoelectric performance of bulk the electronic transport properties, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6: 7594–7603.
6. Yan Li, Qing-Yu Hou*, Xiao-Huan. Wang, Hui-Jun Kang*, Xinba Yaer, Jian-Bo Li, Tong-Min Wang, Lei Miao, Jun Wang*, First-principles calculations and high thermoelectric performance of La–Nb doped SrTiO3 ceramics, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7:236-247.
7. J. Wang*, B.-Y. Zhang, H.-J. Kang, Y. Li, X. Yaer, J.-F. Li, Q. Tan, S. Zhang, G.-H. Fan, C.-Y. Liu, L. Miao, D. Nan, T.-M. Wang*, L.-D. Zhao*, Record High Thermoelectric Performance in Bulk SrTiO3 via Nano-scale Modulation Doping, Nano Energy, 2017, 35:387–395.
8. Jun Wang, Yan Li, Xinba Yaer*, Aodun Qiqige, Chao Fang, Lei Miao, Chenyan Liu, Improvement of thermoelectric power of n-type earth-abundant iron rich alloy by microstructure engineering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 665:7-12
9. Jun Wang*,Xinxin Ye,Xinba Yaer,Boyu Zhang,Yin Wu,Wen Ma,Lei Miao, High thermoelectric performance of niobium-doped strontium titanate bulk material affected by all-scale grain boundary and inclusions, Scripta Materialia, 2015,99: 25-28.
10. Boyu Zhang, Jun Wang*, Tao Zou, Shuai Zhang, Xinba Yaer, Ding Nan, Chengyan Liu, Lei Miao, Yan Li and Yin Wu, High thermoelectric performance of Nb-doped SrTiO3 bulk materials with different doping levels, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2015, 3: 11406-11411.
1. 王俊, 张柏宇, 新巴雅尔, 李艳.一种铌或铌镧掺杂钛酸锶纳米粉体及其制备方法及应用,授权日期:2017.1.11,专利号:ZL201510329631.2
2. 特木其乐,王俊,杨鹤,新巴雅尔. 蒙医针灸针及其制备方法,授权日期:2020.7.24,专利号:ZL201910821720.7
3. 王俊,李建波,于浩洋,杨鹤,马小波. 一种复合材料及其制备方法与应用, 公开(公告)号 : ZL201810183784.6