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2016-07-09 文字:  点击:[]


教授, 博士生导师

内蒙古大学  物理科学与技术学院

呼和浩特 010021

Email: fengyuli@imu.edu.cn

Tel: 15598204061





2003.092007.07 内蒙古大学数理基地专业学士学位

2007.092012.12 大连理工大学凝聚态物理博士学位

2010.062010.07 美国橡树岭国家实验室化学部 访问学生

2012.042012.05 美国内布拉斯加大学化学系访问学生

2009.082014.06 美国波多黎各大学化学物理博士学位


2014.082016.07 美国波多黎各大学 化学系 博士后

2016.112017.12 内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 讲师

2017.07-今      被聘为内蒙古大学士研究生导师

2018.012021.12 内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 特聘研究员

2022.01-今      内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院 教授









以第一性原理和机器学习为工具的计算物理 、计算化学、计算材料


1. 新颖纳米催化剂的设计与机理研究

2. 新颖锂电池和非锂电池电极材料的设计与研究

3. 新颖低维纳米材料的设计及其在纳米器件和能源方面的应用研究

4. 硼团簇、水团簇、金属内包富勒烯等团簇中的电子态


1. 内蒙古大学高层次人才引进科研启动项目


起止时间:20171- 202112

2. 国家自然科学基金项目(海外及港澳学者合作研究基金)



3. 国家自然科学基金项目



4. 自治区“草原人才”工程


5. 国家自然科学基金项目



6. 内蒙古大学“青年科技人才培育项目”




1. 国家自然科学基金项目






担任Journal of Materials Informatics青年编委和Advanced Powder Materials特聘编委;担任Journal of Materials InformaticsNanomaterialsCatalysts特刊客座编辑;担任计算纳米科学与新能源材料国际研讨会和东北内蒙地区原子分子物理学术研讨会学术委员;为美国科学促进会旗下Nat. Commun.Sci. Rep., 美国化学会旗下杂志J. Phys. Chem. Lett.ACS Appl. Mater. InterfacesJ. Phys. Chem. C, 皇家化学会J. Mater. Chem. ANanoscalePhys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 美国物理研究会旗下杂志Appl. Phys. Lett.J. Chem. Phys.J. Appl. Phys., 艾尔斯维尔旗下CarbonPhys. Lett. AVacuum, Wiley旗下Adv. Sci.SmallChemPhysChem等担任独立审稿人。


1. 2025.02 Journal of Materials Informatics 2024优秀论文奖

2. 2024.01 Journal of Materials Informatics期刊2023年度青编贡献奖

3. 2023.12 Advanced Powder Materials期刊2023优秀青年编辑

4. 2023.01 Journal of Materials Informatics期刊2022年度青编贡献奖

5. 2022.01内蒙古大学“骏马计划”B1岗入选者 (续聘)

6. 2021.01内蒙古大学“青年科技人才”

7. 2021.01自治区“草原英才”

8. 2020.03 Outstanding Reviewer for the Journal of Materials Chemistry A

9. 2019.01内蒙古大学“国家优秀青年科学基金”培育人选

10. 2017.01内蒙古大学首批“骏马计划”B1岗入选者


主要论著 (2017以后 #共同一作 *通讯作者)

1. Y. Liu, S.Y. Wang, Y. Wu, F. Li*, L. Wang*, Ferroelectricity in Charge-Density-Wave 1T-TiX2 (X=S, Se, and Te) Bilayers. Phys. Rev. B 2025, 111(2), 024101. IF: 3.2 Q2 Top自然指数Nature Index期刊

2. R. Chen#, H. Shi#, Y. Liu#, M. Wang#, D. Yuan, J. Shu, M. Tian, Z. Hu, Z. Wei*, J. Xue, H. Zhao, F. Li*, N. Wan*, Au-In Alloy for Excellent Ohmic Contact in GeSe Devices with Enhanced Photodetector Properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2025, 17(6), 10158–10167. IF: 8.3 Q1 Top

3. H. Meng, Y. Zhao, F. Li*, Z. Chen*, Superior Single-Atom and Single-Cluster Catalysts towards Nitrogen Reduction Reactions: A Theoretical Perspective. J. Mater. Inf. 2025, 5, 3. Highlighted by MaterialsInformatics (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mQ-sIo9yAhgSRoqxC0XmQA).

4. S. Li#, Q. Wu#, X.-X. You#, X. Ren, P. Du, F. Li*, N. Zheng*, H. Shen*, Anchoring Frustrated Lewis Pair Active Sites on Copper Nanoclusters for Regioselective Hydrogenation. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2024, 146(40), 27852–27860. IF: 14.4 Q1 Top自然指数Nature Index期刊Highlighted by ChemistryViews (https://www.chemistryviews.org/frustrated-lewis-pair-anchored-on-copper-nanoclusters-for-catalysis/), IMU news (https://www.imu.edu.cn/info/1375/12048.htm), 氢能加 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_d2QQCSQ1KCjn7wkYoRh6Q), 催化计 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/KhUMRyIty0FGTJm2_1Ox5A), X-MOL (https://www.x-mol.com/news/902359).

5. J. Su#, L. Yu#, B. Han, F. Li*, Z. Chen*, X. C. Zeng*, Enhanced CO2 Reduction on Cu-Decorated Single Atom Catalyst via Inverse Sandwich M-Graphene-Cu Structure. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15(33), 86008607. Top自然指数Nature Index期刊 IF: 4.8 Q1 Highlighted as an outside front cover. Highlighted by学院新闻 (https://wlxy.imu.edu.cn/info/1101/6117.htm).

6. S.K. Wang, K. Shi, J. Li, J. Lyu*, F. Li*, First-Principles Explorations on 2D Transition Metal Diborides Featuring Inverse Sandwich Structures and Their Gas Sensing Properties. J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 2024, 57, 425301. IF: 3.4 Q2

7. F. Li#,*, Y. Liu#, L. Yu#, X. Lv#, P. Jin, Z. Chen*, Expanding the Landscape of Anti-MoS2 Monolayers: Computational Exploration of Stability and Multifaceted Properties across the Periodic Table. Sci. China Mater. 2024, 67(4), 1260–1272. IF: 6.8 Q1 TOP 

8. Y. Liu, S.Y. Wang, F. Li*, A New 2D Janus Family with Multiple Properties: Auxetic Behavior, Strain-Tunable Photocatalyst, High Curie Temperature Ferromagnets, and Piezoelectric Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator. Sci. China Mater. 2024, 67(4), 1160–1172. IF: 6.8 Q1 TOP Highlighted by Scientific news中国科学材料 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/nChmMxU8agt7BWxK2izh1A) and IMU News (https://wlxy.imu.edu.cn/info/1101/5975.htm).

9. S.Y. Wang, X. Lv*, F. Li*, Ternary Penta-CoXS (X = Se and Te): 2D Monolayers with Coexistence of Antiferromagnetic, Auxetic, Photocatalytic, and Piezoelectric Features. J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128(7), 30643073. IF: 3.3 Q3 Highlighted by Scientific news Yanzhichengli (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/iKRWCr4qYKTkFO0yKY5h7Q). 

10. S. Wang, Y. Liu, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Small Difference in the Work Function Induced Superior Catalytic Performance of MoS2/M2CO2 Heterostructures for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2024, 57, 575–582. IF: 8.1 Q1 

11. B. Yan#, X.-X. You#, X. Tang, J. Sun, Q. Xu, L. Wang, Z.-J. Guan*, F. Li*, H. Shen*, Carboxylate-Protected “Isostructural” Cu20 Nanoclusters as a Model System: Carboxylate Effect on Controlling Catalysis. Chem. Mater. 2024, 36(2), 1004–1012. IF: 7.2 Q1 Top 

12. T. Han#, S.Y. Wang#, B. Han, Y. Liu, F. Li*, L. Wang*, Two-Dimensional Potassium Borides with Hidden Kagome-like Lattice: Ideal Topology, van Hove Singularities and Superconductivity. Phys. Rev. B 2023, 107, 235154. IF: 3.7 Q2 Top自然指数期刊 被内大新闻 (https://www.imu.edu.cn/info/1031/9830.htm) 报道.

13. L. Yu, F. Li*, J. Huang,* S. Bobby, M. William, Z. Chen*, Double-Atom Catalysts Featuring Inverse Sandwich Structure for CO2 Reduction Reaction: A Synergetic First-Principles and Machine Learning Investigation. ACS Catal. 2023, 13, 9616–9628. IF: 13.7 Q1 Top 封面论文,被nanowerk (https://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=63308.php), Advances in Engineering (https://advanceseng.com/unlocking-co2-reduction-potentials-synergy-atom-catalysts-machine-learning/) XMOL (https://www.x-mol.com/news/859830) 等报道.

14. Y. Liu, Wenlong Li, F. Li*, Z. Chen*, Computational Discovery of Diverse Functionalities in Two-Dimensional Square Disulfide Monolayers: Auxetic Behavior, High Curie Temperature Ferromagnets, Electrocatalysts, and Photocatalysts. J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11(37), 2025420269. IF: 11.9 Q1 Top

15. T. Han, J. Li, L. Liu, F. Li*, L.-W. Wang*, Accuracy Evaluation of Different Machine Learning Force Field Features. New J. Phys. 2023, 25, 093007. IF: 3.3 Q2 被龙讯旷腾报道 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/JjkivADrvUdOE_C9qCuA9g).

16. S.K. Wang#, S.Y. Wang#, R. Liu, L. Sai, L. Wang*, F. Li*, Coexistence of Electronic and Phononic Dirac Points in TiB2 Monolayer with Inverse Sandwich Motif. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127(26), 12788–12794. IF: 4.177 Q2封面论文

17. L. Dong#, L. Yu#, X. Sun#, X. Tang#, X.-X. You, J. Tang, Z.-A. Nan, D. Cao, Y. Jia, S. Li, F. Li*, S. Guo*, H. Shen*, Ligand-Passivated Au/Cu Nanoclusters with Uncoordinated Sites Give Reaction Turnover Numbers up to 4×104. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2023, 10(19), 57455751. IF: 7.0 Q1 Top

18. R. Liu, X. Lv*, F. Li*, Planar MN4 (M = Zn, Cd) Monolayers: Anisotropic Dirac Semimetals of Ultrahigh Fermi Velocities. Phys. Status Solidi RRL 2023, 17, 2370003. IF: 3.277 Q2封面论文

19. J. Xiao, Z. Liu, F. Li*, Z. Zhao*, Homonuclear Multi-Atom Catalysts for CO2 Electroreduction: A Comparison Density Functional Theory Study with Single-Atom Counterparts. J. Mater. Chem. A 2023, 11(46), 25662–25670. IF: 11.9 Q1 Top

20. C. Li, H. Luo, F. Li*, F. Li*, Atomic Insights into the S Poisoning Effects of Single-Atom Catalysts in Li-S Batteries. ACS Omega 2023, 8(48), 45348–45357. IF: 4.132 Q2

21. B. Han, F. Li*, Regulating the Electrocatalytic Performance for Nitrogen Reduction Reaction by Tuning the N Contents in Fe3@NxC20−x (x = 0~4): A DFT Exploration. J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 24. IF: pending Highlighted by MaterialsInformatics (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Tr2wmFdcWMuUzfA8n3ytyQ). JMI 2024优秀论文

22. W. Guo, T. Zhao, F. Li*, Qinghai Cai, J. Zhao*, Silicon Atoms in Metal-Free Si3C Monolayer Synergistically Boosting Efficient Nitrate Electrochemical Reduction to Ammonia: A Computational Study. Nanomaterials 2023, 13(21), 2890. IF: 5.3 Q2

23. L. Sai, X. Wu, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Unprecedented Prediction of a B160 Cluster Stuffed by Dual-Icosahedron B12. ACS Omega 2022, 7, 4254542549. IF: 4.132 Q2

24. L. Yu, F. Li*, Pt2 Dimer Anchored Vertically in Defective BN Monolayer as an Efficient Catalyst for N2 Reduction: A DFT Study. Catalysts 2022, 12, 1387. IF: 4.501 Q2

25. Z. Qin, Z. Wang, X. Li, Q. Cai, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, N-Doped CrS2 Monolayer as a Highly-Efficient Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction: A Computational Study. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 3012. IF: 5.719 Q2

26. Y. Yang, F. Li*, 2D Boron-Nitride Featuring B4 Tetrahedrons: An Indirect Band Gap Semiconductor with High Electron Mobility. Mol. Catal. 2022, 531, 112662. IF: 5.089 Q2

27. Y. Dong, J. Li, F. Li*, J. Gong*, DFT Investigations on the Boron-Phosphorus Assembled Nanowires. J. Clust. Sci. 2022, 33, 2157–2166. IF: 3.447 Q2

28. J. Li#, Y. Liu#, L. Yu, H. Meng, J. Gu, F. Li*, Lithium Stabilizes Square Two-Dimensional Metal Sheets: A Computational Exploration. Nanoscale 2022, 14, 11770−11778. IF: 8.307 Q1

29. L. Sai, X. Wu, F. Li*, B96: A Complete Core-Shell Structure with High Symmetry. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (communication) 2022, 24, 15687−15690. IF: 3.945 Q2封面论文,被研之成理报道 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/OE4zOGgA4oDnTJUbEx3ILg).

30. T. Han, Y. Liu, X. Lv*, F. Li*, Biphenylene Monolayer: A Novel Nonbenzenoid Carbon allotrope with Potential Applications as Anode Materials for High-performance Sodium Ion Batteries. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (communication) 2022, 24, 10712–10716. IF: 3.945 Q2

31. H. Meng, B. Han, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Z. Chen*, Understanding the CH4 Conversion over Metal Dimers from First Principles. Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 1518. IF: 5.719 Q2

32. B. Han, H. Meng, F. Li*, Supported Bimetallic Trimers Fe2M@NG: The Triple-Atom Catalysts for CO2 Electro-Reduction. ACS Omega 2022, 7, 16080−16086. IF: 4.132 Q2

33. L. Yu, F. Li*, Metal Dimers Embedded Vertically in Defect-Graphene as Gas Sensors: A First-Principles Study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (communication), 2022, 24, 98429847. IF: 3.945 Q2

34. L. Yu, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Z. Chen*, Revisiting Catalytic Performance of Metal Dimers for Oxygen Reduction Reaction via Magmatic Coupling from First Principles. Adv. Powder Mater. 2022, 1, 100031. IF: 23.4 Q1 Advanced Powder Materials公众号推送 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WtSwc-o2RmDB7eCcn69k2A).

35. J. Zhou, Y. Yang, D. Hu, L. Kang*, C. Zhu, D. Tian, X. Lv, K. Govindan, Y. Guo. M. Xu, F. Li, G. Hong*, Z. Liu*, Controlled Growth of Ultrathin Ferromagnetic β-MnSe Semiconductor. SmartMat 2022, 3, 482490. IF: 20.4

36. J. Jia, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, F. Li*, Y. Shang, Y. Liu*, Q. Cai, J. Zhao*, A Metallic Cu2N Monolayer with Planar Tetracoordinated Nitrogen as a Promising Catalyst for CO2 Electroreduction. J. Mater. Chem. A 2022, 10, 15601568. IF: 14.511 Q1研之成理报道(https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/eXVOqey_PmSQFxOXU9ShEQ).

37. Y. Sun#, S. Wang#, D. Jiao, F. Li*, S. Qiu, Z. Wang, Q. Cai, J. Zhao*, C. Sun*, Two-Dimensional Pt2P3 Monolayer: A Promising Bifunctional Electrocatalyst with Different Active Sites for Hydrogen Evolution and CO2 Reduction. Chin. Chem. Lett. 2022, 33, 3987−3992. IF: 8.455 Q1

38. Z. Xu, X. Lv*, W. Gu, F. Li*, MC2 (M = Y, Zr, Nb, and Mo) Monolayers Containing C2 Dimers: Prediction of Anode Materials for High-performance Sodium Ion Batteries. Nanoscale Adv. 2021, 3, 6617–6627. IF: 4.553 Q2封面论文,本科生第一作者

39. Z. Wang, Y. Liu, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Controlled 2H/1T Phase Transition in MoS2 Monolayer by Strong Interface with M2C MXene: A Computational Study. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 23, 20107−20116. IF: 3.676 Q2

40. J. Yang#, L. Yu#, F. Li*, Computational Investigation of Two-Dimensional Borides with Planar Octacoordinated Main Group Element. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (communication) 2021, 23, 1590415907. 本科生第一作者

41. C. Jiang, Z. Lv, S. Lv, L. Sai*, S.K. Wang*, F. Li*, Theoretical Design of Novel Boron-Based Nanowires via Inverse Sandwich Clusters. Front. Chem. 2021, 9, 753617. IF: 5.221 Q2本科生第一作者

42. X. Qiao, X. Lv, Y. Dong, Y. Yang, F. Li*, Two-Dimensional V-VI Binary Nanosheets with Square Lattice: A Theoretical Investigation. Phys. Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics 2021, 258, 2100178. IF: 1.710 Q3

43. X. Lan, L. Yu, X. Lv, F. Li*, 2D Transition Metal Silicides as Analogs of MXenes: A First-Principles Exploration. Phys. Status Solidi-RRL 2021, 15, 2100048. IF: 2.821 Q2 Advanced Science News报道 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/jKIiibhHhIrPb4NkYRgUaA)

44. Y. Dong, B. Xu, H. Hu, J. Yang, F. Li*, J. Gong*, Z. Chen*, C9N4 and C2N6S3 Monolayers as Promising Anchoring Materials for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries: Weakening the Shuttle Effects via Optimizing Lithium Bonds. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2021, 23, 12958−12967. IF: 3.676 Q2封面论文

45. Y. Dong, X. Lv, L. Yu, F. Li*, J. Gong*, Two-Dimensional Phosphorus-Based Binary Nanosheets for Photocatalyzing Water Splitting: A First-Principles Study. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2021, 772, 138594. IF: 2.328 Q3

46. X. Lv, L. Yu, F. Li*, J. Gong*, Y. He, Z. Chen*, Penta-MS2 (M = Mn, Ni, Cu/Ag and Zn/Cd) Monolayers with Negative Poisson's Ratios and Tunable Bandgaps as Water-Splitting Photocatalysts, J. Mater. Chem. A 2021, 9), 6993−7004. IF: 11.301 Q1 TOP

47. Y. Dong, S. Wang, C. Yu, F. Li*, J. Gong*, J. Zhao*, First-Principles Explorations on the P8 and N2 Assembled Nanowire and Nanosheet, Nano Ex. 2021, 2, 010004. IF: 4.0

48. Z. Shao, H. Meng, J. Sun, N. Guo, H. Xue*, K. Huang, F. He, F. Li*, Q. Wang*, Engineering of Amorphous Structure and Sulfur Defect into Ultrathin FeS Nanosheets to Achieve Superior Electrocatalytic Alkaline Oxygen Evolution, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 51846−51853. IF: 8.456 Q1

49. H. Meng, B. Han, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Methane Conversion over C2N-Supported Fe2 Dimers, Catalysts 2020, 10, 973. IF: 3.520

50. B. Han, H. Meng, F. Li*, J. Zhao*, Fe3 Cluster Anchored on the C2N Monolayer for Efficient Electrochemical Nitrogen Fixation, Catalysts 2020, 10, 974. IF: 3.520

51. S. Wang#, J. Gu#, Y. Dong, L. Sai, F. Li*, A Super Stable Assembled P Nanowire with Variant Structural and Magnetic/Electronic Properties via Transition Metal Adsorption, Nanoscale 2020, 12, 12454−12461. IF: 6.970 Q1

52. X. Lv, F. Li*, J. Gong*, J. Gu, S. Lin, Z. Chen*, Metallic FeSe Monolayer as Anode Materials for Li and Non-Li Ion Batteries: A DFT Study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 8902−8912. IF: 3.567

53. Q. Liu, F. Li*, J. Gong*, Theoretical Investigations on the Nanowires Assembled by the V1@Si12 Clusters. J. Clust. Sci. 2020, 31, 637−642. IF: 2.125

54. F. Li*, X. Lv, J. Gu, K. Tu, J. Gong, P. Jin*, Z. Chen*, Semiconducting SN2 Monolayer with Three-Dimensional Auxetic Properties: A Global Minimum with Tetracoordinated Sulfurs, Nanoscale 2020, 12, 85–92. IF: 6.970 Q1封面论文

55. J. Zhao, Z. Chen, J. Zhao*, F. Li*, Single Mn Atom as a Promising Electrocatalyst for CO Reduction to C2H5OH and C3H6: A Computational Study, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 498, 143868. IF: 6.182

56. F. Li*, X. Liu, Z. Chen*, 1+1ʹ > 2: Heteronuclear Bi-atom Catalyst Outperforms Its Homonuclear Counterparts for CO Oxidation, Small Methods 2019, 3, 1800480. IF: 12.13 Q1 被研之成理 (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TQJ1cEyWYp4Fe04nseuYPQ) Materials Views (https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/sEkxx8riFZQO0YoAIp6ZVA) 报道.

57. X. Lv, F. Li*, J. Gong*, Z. Chen*, The Dimensional and Hydrogenating Effect on the Electronic Properties of ZnSe Nanomaterials: A Computational Investigation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20, 24453–24464. IF: 4.123 

58. F. Li, Z. Chen*, Cu Dimer Anchored C2N Monolayer: Low-cost and Efficient Catalyst for CO Oxidation, Nanoscale 2018, 10, 15696–15705. IF: 7.760 Q1  

59. F. Li*, F. Yi, J. Gao, H. Zhang, Z. Chen*, Modulating the Electronic Properties of Perovskite via σ−π Interfacial Interactions: A Computational Study, APL Mater. 2018, 6, 114203. IF: 4.335 Q2封面论文 

60. Z. Wang, J. Zhao*, Cai Q., F. Li*, Computational Screening for High-Activity MoS2 Monolayers-Based Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction via Substitutional Doping with Transition Metal, J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 9842–9851. IF: 11.301 Q1 TOP 



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