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2016-07-08 文字:  点击:[]





内蒙古大学 物理科学与技术学院 主楼137


Email: lvjuan@semi.ac.cn





2013.09-2018.06 内蒙古大学 物理科学与技术学院 物理学专业 博士


2018.08-2020.09 清华大学 精密仪器系 博士后

2020.10- 内蒙古大学 物理科学与技术学院 副教授 硕士生导师













1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目

2. 内蒙古自治区高等学校青年科技英才支持项目





[1] J. Lyu, J. Pei, Y. Z. Guo, J. Gong, H. L. Li.* A new opportunity for 2D van der Waals heterostructures: making steep‐slope transistors. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(2), 1906000.

[2] J. Lyu, J. Gong,* H. L. Li.* Harnessing defects for high-performance MoS2 tunneling field-effect transistors. Materials Research Letters, 2023, 11(4), 266.

[3] S. Lang, S. Song, J. Lyu*, J. Gong*, Device Transport Characteristics of Monolayer SnS2 and HfS2 Field-Effect Transistors with Semimetal Contacts, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2024, 128(34), 14458-14468.

[4] J. Lyu, S. Song, J. Gong*, Bi2O2Se/Xene for Steep-Slope Transistors, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 2023, 5(8), 4248-4253.

[5] L. He, S. Lang, W. Zhang, S. Song, J. Lyu*, J. Gong*, First-Principles Prediction of High and Low Resistance States in Ta/h-BN/Ta Atomristor, Nanomaterials, 2024, 14(7), 612.

[6] R. Y. Wang, J. Lyu,* J. Gong.* Strain Benefits of monolayer α-GeTe and its application in low-power metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors. Physica Status Solidi-Rapid Research Letters, 2022, 16(11), 2200174

[7] J. Lyu, J. Gong.* Simulation of a steep-slope p- and n-type HfS2/MoTe2 field-effect transistor with the hybrid transport mechanism. Nanomaterials, 2023, 13(4), 649.

[8] S. Wang, K. Shi, J. Li, J. Lyu*, F. Li*, First-principles explorations on 2D transition metal diborides featuring inverse sandwich structures and their gas sensing properties, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2024, 57(42), 425301.

[9] J. Lu, Z. Q. Fan*, J. Gong*, J. Z. Chen, M. D. Huhe, Y. Y. Zhang, S. Y. Yang, X. W. Jiang, Enhancement of tunneling current in phosphorene tunnel field effect transistors by surface defects. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2018, 20(8), 5699.

[10] J. Lu, Z. Q. Fan*, J. Gong*, X. W. Jiang, Ab initio performance predictions of single-layer In-V tunnel field-effect transistors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(30), 20121.

[11] J. Lu, Z. Q. Fan, J. Gong*, X. W. Jiang*, Ab initio simulation study of defect assisted Zener tunneling in GaAs diode. Aip Advances, 2017, 7(6), 065302.

[12] X. W. Jiang*, J. Lu, Jian Gong, et al. ab initio simulation on mono-layer MoS2 tunnel FET: Impact of metal contact configuration and defect assisted tunneling, 13th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), Hangzhou, P.R. China, 2016.10.25-10.28. 

[13] Z. Y. Jin, J. Lu, H. L. Jia, W. H. Liu, H. L. Li,* Z. h. Chen, X. Lin, G. Q. Xie, X. J. Liu,* S. H. Sun, and H. J. Qiu.* Nanoporous Al‐Ni‐Co‐Ir‐Mo High‐Entropy Alloy for Record‐High Water Splitting Activity in Acidic Environments. Small, 2019, 15(47), 1904180.

[14] Z. Y. Jin, J. Lyu, K.L. Hu, Z. H. Chen, G. Q. Xie, X. J. Liu, X. Lin, H. J. Qiu.* Eight-Component Nanoporous High-Entropy Oxides with Low Ru Contents as High-Performance Bifunctional Catalysts in Zn-Air Batteries. Small, 2022, 2107207.

[15] Z. Y. JinJ. LyuY. L. Zhao*H. L. Li*Z. H. Chen, X. L, G. Q. Xie, X. J. Liu, J. J. Kai, H. J. Qiu.* Top-down Synthesis of Noble Metal Particles on High-Entropy Oxide Supports for Electrocatalysis. Chemistry of materials, 2021, 202133(5), 1771.

[16] Z. Y. Jin, J. LyuY. L. Zhao, H. L. Li,* X. Lin, G. Q. Xie, X. J. Liu, J. J. Kai, H. J. Qiu.* Rugged high-entropy alloy nanowires with in situ formed surface spinel oxide as highly stable electrocatalyst in Zn-air batteries. ACS Materials Letters, 2020, 2(12), 1698.

[17] Z. Y. Zhang, T. R. Li, Y. J. Wu, Y. J. Jia, C. W. Tan, X. T. Xu, G. R. Wang, J. Lv, W. Zhang*, Y. H. He, J. Pei, C. Ma, G. Q. Li, H. Z. Xu, L. P. Shi*, H. L. Peng*, H. L. Li*, Truly Concomitant and Independently Expressed Short- and Long-Term Plasticity in a Bi2O2Se-Based Three-Terminal Memristor, Advanced materials, 2019, 31(3), e1805769.

[18] P. Du, K. L. Hu, J. Lyu, H. L. Li,* X. Lin, G. Q. Xie, X. J. Liu, Y. Itob,*, H. J. Qiu,* Anchoring Mo single atoms/clusters and N on edge-rich nanoporous holey graphene as bifunctional air electrode in Znair batteries, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 276(5), 119172.


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